Point Blank Strategic Marketing

Sequencing: The Overlooked Element Critical to Marketing Success

When it comes to marketing your business, most people focus on the actions they need to take. However, there’s a critical element that can derail even the most well-planned marketing efforts: sequencing. Let’s explore why sequencing is vital to your marketing success and how getting it wrong can throw everything out of alignment.

The Importance of Sequencing

Think about planning a vacation. The steps you take follow a specific order for a reason. First, you choose a destination. Then, you set the dates, book flights and accommodations, plan your itinerary, pack, and finally, you travel and enjoy. This sequence is crucial. If you set the date before choosing the destination, you might end up in a place with undesirable weather or conditions. Similarly, you can’t book flights or accommodations until you know when and where you’re going. This logical sequence ensures a smooth and enjoyable trip.

Sequencing in Marketing

In marketing, a similar principle applies. Many businesses fail because they get the marketing steps out of sequence. The most common mistake is jumping into tactics without first having a strategy. This is akin to picking vehicles without having any fuel. Sure, you might be able to push the car for a while, but it won’t get you far.

The right sequence starts with understanding your target market. Identify who your ideal clients are. Next, create a compelling message that will attract and engage them. Then, define your offer—what services or products are you presenting to this market? Only after these steps should you choose your marketing vehicles and tactics.

Why Strategy Must Come Before Tactics

Jumping into tactics without a strategy is the biggest sequencing mistake in marketing. Without a strategy, your tactics lack direction and purpose. It’s like having a car without fuel. You might see some short-term results, but it’s not sustainable. A strategic approach ensures that each marketing action builds on the previous one, maximizing your chances for long-term success.

Here’s the correct sequence for effective marketing:
1. Understand Your Target Market: Know who your ideal clients are.
2. Craft Your Message: Develop a message that resonates with your audience.
3. Define Your Offer: Clearly outline what you are offering to your market.
4. Choose Your Marketing Vehicles: Select the tactics and channels you’ll use to reach your audience.

Following this sequence ensures that each step supports and enhances the next, leading to a cohesive and effective marketing strategy.


Sequencing is often overlooked but is critical to marketing success. By following a structured approach, you ensure that each step builds on the previous one, maximizing your chances for success.  If you haven’t already, we have an amazing self assessment that will help you evaluate key areas of your business and identify opportunities for growth.

For more personalized advice and support, don’t hesitate to get in touch. Let’s ensure your marketing efforts are aligned and effective.

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